The Score


The Score is a weekly celebration of symphonic music in film, and a fascinating guided tour through America's best-loved art form. It includes timely box office tie-ins and enticing weekly themes. Host Edmund Stone is a classically trained Shakespearean actor whose background includes a variety of stage and screen roles.


Hope Springs Eternal, Part 2: This week on The Score, it's a sparkling collection of music and movies that showcase hope, from giving inspiration every day with Won't You Be My Neighbor, to extraordinary inner strength in Apollo 13, love at last with As Good as it Gets and more.



Compose, Direct, Action: This week on The Score, Hollywood insider Edmund Stone takes a listen to the unique talents of composers that also direct their own films. Enjoy music from the multi-talented Michael Giacchino and Werewolf by Night; Alejandro Amenabar and The Others; Clint Eastwood with Mystic River and more.



Cinco de Mayo: The Score celebrates Latinx culture in the movies, with music from Coco, Nacho Libre, Like Water for Chocolate and more.



Ryuichi Sakamoto Remembered: Composer, performer and activist Ryuichi Sakamoto wrote his first film score in 1983. His final score appeared 40 years later in 2023, the year he died. This week on The Score, guest host Warren Black surveys Sakamoto's four decades of music for big-budget films like The Last Emperor and The Revenant, as well as his music for television, anime and video games.